What Does The Hourglass Emoji Mean In Snapchat?

Hourglass Emoji

Snapchat, the popular social media platform, has introduced various emojis to enhance user interactions and add a fun element to the app. One such emoji that you may have come across is the hourglass emoji ⌛️. But what does this emoji signify? How does it impact your Snapchat experience? In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the meaning of the hourglass emoji on Snapchat and provide you with all the information you need to understand its significance.

The hourglass emoji appears next to a friend’s name on Snapchat when your snapstreak with that person is about to end soon. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a snapstreak, it refers to a continuous exchange of snaps between you and a friend for a certain number of consecutive days. When you achieve a snapstreak, a fire emoji 🔥 is displayed next to the friend’s name, along with a number indicating the duration of the streak.

However, when the hourglass emoji pops up, it serves as a warning sign that your snapstreak is in jeopardy. This emoji indicates that you have a limited amount of time left to exchange snaps with that person before the streak expires. It’s crucial to note that snaps and chats sent in group chats do not contribute to the snapstreak, so make sure to send a snap directly to the friend to avoid losing your streak.

Duration of the Hourglass EmojiHourglass Emoji

So, how long does the hourglass emoji last on Snapchat? According to Snapchat, the hourglass emoji is displayed when you have 20 hours left to maintain your snapstreak. Once the hourglass appears, you have a mere 4 hours to send a snap and keep the streak alive. It’s important to act promptly and send a snap to your friend during this window to preserve your snapstreak.

Maintaining Your Snapstreak

Now that you understand the significance of the hourglass emoji, let’s explore some tips to keep your snapstreak intact:

1. Send Snaps Regularly

To avoid encountering the hourglass emoji, it’s essential to send snaps consistently to your friends. Make it a habit to exchange snaps daily, ensuring that you don’t break the streak. Remember, the timer for the snapstreak resets every time you send a snap, so keeping the streak alive requires regular communication.

2. Utilize Good Morning and Good Night Snaps

If you want to play it safe and maintain your snapstreak without cutting it too close, consider sending good morning snaps or good night snaps to your friends. These snaps, sent either before you go to bed or after you wake up, act as a way to keep the streak going and reduce the risk of losing it.

3. Set Reminders

If you’re worried about forgetting to send a snap and potentially losing your streak, set reminders on your phone or use features within Snapchat to notify you. By proactively reminding yourself, you can ensure timely communication and preserve your snapstreak.

Deciding the Importance of Snapstreaks

While snapstreaks can be a fun way to stay connected with friends, it’s essential to remember that their significance varies from person to person. Some individuals place great value on maintaining snapstreaks, considering them a symbol of their friendship or bond. However, others may not attach as much importance to them.

Ultimately, the decision to prioritize snapstreaks is entirely up to you. If you value the streak and want to preserve it, make a conscious effort to send snaps regularly. On the other hand, if you find snapstreaks to be less meaningful, it’s perfectly fine to let them end without feeling obligated to maintain them.


In conclusion, the hourglass emoji on Snapchat serves as a warning that your snapstreak with a friend is about to end soon. It indicates that you have a limited time frame to send a snap and keep the streak alive. By understanding the meaning and duration of the hourglass emoji, you can actively maintain your snapstreak and avoid losing it. Remember, the significance of snapstreaks varies from person to person, so assess their importance in your own Snapchat experience. Stay connected, have fun, and enjoy the unique features that Snapchat has to offer!

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