How To Check If Someone Blocked Your Number On iMessage

How To Check If Someone Blocked You on iMessage

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of not being able to reach someone through calls or messages, you may be wondering if your number has been blocked. This can be particularly concerning when it comes to iMessage on your iPhone. While there’s no foolproof method to determine if someone has blocked your number, there are several signs that can provide valuable clues. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore different ways to tell if someone has blocked your number on iMessage and provide you with actionable solutions. So, let’s dive in!

How to Tell If Someone Blocked Your Number on iPhone

1. Call and Check for Straight-to-Voicemail

One of the most straightforward ways to determine if someone has blocked your number is to call them. If the call goes straight to voicemail after just one ring or without ringing at all, it could indicate that your number has been blocked. However, keep in mind that this method is not foolproof. The person you are trying to reach may also have their phone turned off or be in an area with poor reception. It’s essential to consider other indicators in conjunction with this method to make a more accurate assessment.

2. Look for Delivery Status

When you send a message through iMessage, you usually receive a delivery status notification beneath your sent message. If your message is not delivered, it could suggest that your number has been blocked. However, this method is not foolproof either. It’s important to note that delivery notifications only work for iMessages sent to other iPhones. If you are texting someone with an Android phone, you won’t receive delivery status updates even if they have blocked you.

3. Pay Attention to Read Receipts

Read receipts can provide valuable insights into whether your number has been blocked on iMessage. When you send a message and the recipient reads it, you will see a “Read” notification with the timestamp. If you receive a “Read” notification, it indicates that your message has been seen, and your number is not blocked. However, keep in mind that read receipts can be disabled by the recipient, so the absence of a “Read” notification doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been blocked.

4. Automated Text Responses

If you send a message and receive an immediate automated response indicating that the person is not available to respond, it’s a good sign that your number is not blocked. This automated response can occur if the person has enabled Do Not Disturb mode or has a driving focus mode activated. These auto-generated responses are not sent to blocked numbers, so if you receive one, it suggests that your number is not blocked.

5. Do Not Disturb Mode

If you notice a moon icon next to a conversation in iMessage or above the text field, it means that the person has enabled Do Not Disturb mode. When someone has Do Not Disturb mode enabled, it indicates that they have silenced text notifications. If you can see the Do Not Disturb status, it means that your number has not been blocked.

6. Understanding iMessage Not Delivered Error

Sometimes, you may encounter an “Not Delivered” error when sending an iMessage. It’s important to note that this error does not necessarily mean that your number has been blocked. There can be several reasons why an iMessage fails to deliver, such as the recipient’s phone being off or in an area with poor network coverage. To further troubleshoot, you can enable SMS texts on your iPhone, allowing the message to be sent as an SMS if the iMessage fails to deliver. If your SMS message also fails to receive a reply, it could be an indication that your number has been blocked.

7. Green Text Bubbles

Contrary to popular belief, green text bubbles do not necessarily indicate that your number has been blocked on iMessage. When you send a message to someone with an Android phone or if the message is sent as an SMS, the text bubbles will appear green instead of blue. Green text bubbles do not signify blocking; they simply indicate that the message was sent via SMS.

8. Check Other Third-Party Apps

When someone blocks your number, they may also block you on other third-party apps such as Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. If you can no longer see their profile or send them a message on these platforms, it suggests that your number has been blocked. Blocking on third-party apps often aligns with blocking on iMessage, providing additional evidence of being blocked.

What Happens When You’re Unblocked on iMessage

When someone unblocks your number on iMessage, all future texts and calls will be received as usual. However, you will not receive any notifications indicating that you have been unblocked. It’s important to note that any messages you sent while your number was blocked will not be delivered after you are unblocked. Voicemails that you left during the blocked period can still be listened to but will be stored separately in the “Blocked Messages” section of the recipient’s iPhone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if an Android blocked me on an iPhone?

Determining if an Android user has blocked your number on an iPhone can be challenging. Calling the person and going straight to voicemail could indicate blocking, but it’s not definitive. Additionally, delivery status and read receipts do not work for messages sent between iPhones and Androids. The absence of a “Delivered” or “Read” status does not necessarily mean you’ve been blocked.

Will SMS texts be delivered if blocked on an iPhone?

No, if someone blocks your number on an iPhone, none of your text messages, whether sent as SMS or iMessage, will be delivered.

If iMessage doesn’t say “Delivered,” am I blocked?

For iOS 16.4 or earlier, the absence of a “Delivered” status could indicate blocking, but it can also mean that the messages were not successfully delivered due to various factors. However, for iOS 16.5 or later, even if you’re blocked, you may still see a delivery notification.

Can you FaceTime someone who blocked you?

Yes, you can initiate a FaceTime call to someone who has blocked your number. However, the call will typically ring once or twice before going straight to voicemail, similar to a regular call. An “Unavailable” error message during FaceTime is not an indicator of being blocked; it suggests a technical issue with FaceTime.

How many times does FaceTime ring if you’re blocked?

In general, a FaceTime call rings approximately 10-12 times before going to voicemail. If you’ve been blocked, the call may ring once or twice before going to voicemail.


By understanding these various indicators, you can gain valuable insights into whether your number has been blocked on iMessage. While none of these methods are foolproof, when used in conjunction, they can provide a clearer picture. It’s important to remember that respect and privacy should always be maintained, even if you suspect you have been blocked.

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