How to Connect Ring to WIFI

How To Connect Ring To Wifi

Are you ready to add an extra layer of security to your home with Ring’s range of security cameras and video doorbells? These smart devices are designed to provide peace of mind and surveillance for your residence. But before you can start enjoying the benefits of these devices, you need to connect them to your Wi-Fi network. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting your Ring camera or doorbell to Wi-Fi, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free setup.

Smart devices have revolutionized the way we secure our homes, offering convenience and peace of mind. Ring’s range of security cameras and video doorbells are popular choices for homeowners looking to enhance their home security. These devices rely on a strong Wi-Fi connection to function effectively, allowing you to monitor your property remotely and receive real-time notifications. In this guide, we’ll explain why a stable Wi-Fi connection is essential for Ring devices and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to connect your Ring camera or doorbell to Wi-Fi.

The Importance of Wi-Fi Connection for Ring Devices

Your home’s internet connection serves as the lifeblood of your Ring camera or doorbell. Without a reliable Wi-Fi connection, these devices will not be able to transmit data, receive alerts, or provide the desired level of security. A strong and stable Wi-Fi connection ensures that you can access live views, receive motion alerts, and communicate with visitors through your Ring device. It’s crucial to have a reliable internet connection to fully utilize the features and capabilities of your Ring camera or doorbell.

Common Reasons for Ring Connectivity Issues

Before we dive into the process of reconnecting your Ring device to Wi-Fi, it’s essential to understand the common reasons why you might experience connectivity issues. By identifying these factors, you can troubleshoot and resolve any potential problems more effectively. Some of the common reasons for Ring connectivity issues include:

Poor Wi-Fi Connection

Your Ring device relies on a strong and stable Wi-Fi signal to function properly. If your device is far away from your Wi-Fi router or there are physical obstructions blocking the signal, it may struggle to establish a reliable connection. Poor signal strength can lead to delays in receiving notifications or even cause your Ring device to disconnect from Wi-Fi.

Incorrect Credentials

When setting up your Ring device, you need to enter the correct Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password. If you accidentally enter the wrong credentials, your device will not be able to connect to your network. Double-checking and ensuring the accuracy of your Wi-Fi network information is essential for a successful connection.

Low Battery

Some Ring devices, such as battery-powered doorbells, rely on internal batteries for power. If these batteries are running low, your device may not have enough power to establish a stable connection. It’s crucial to regularly check and charge the batteries of your Ring device to ensure optimal performance.

Preliminary Checks Before Reconnecting Your Ring Device

Before you begin the process of reconnecting your Ring device to your home Wi-Fi network, there are a few preliminary checks you should perform to ensure a smooth setup:

WiFi Signal Strength: Ensure that your Ring device is within a reasonable range of your Wi-Fi router. If the signal strength is weak, consider repositioning your router or using a Wi-Fi extender to improve coverage.

Credentials Verification: Double-check the Wi-Fi network name and password to ensure they are correctly entered. Typos or incorrect information can prevent your device from connecting to the network.

Battery Level: If your Ring device is battery-powered, verify that the battery has sufficient charge. Low battery levels can affect the device’s ability to connect to Wi-Fi or maintain a stable connection.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reconnecting Your Ring Device to Wi-Fi

Now that you’ve performed the necessary preliminary checks, it’s time to reconnect your Ring device to Wi-Fi. The process of reconnecting your device is generally the same across all Ring devices. Follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully reconnect your Ring camera or doorbell to Wi-Fi:

Step 1: Launch the Ring App

To begin the reconnection process, open the Ring app on your smartphone or tablet. If you don’t have the app installed, you can download it from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).

Step 2: Select Your Device

Once you’ve launched the app, tap on the three-line menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen. From the menu options, select your specific Ring device.

Step 3: Access Device Health

Within the device-specific menu, locate and select the “Device Health” option. This section provides essential information about your device’s status, including battery level, Wi-Fi signal strength, and firmware version.

Step 4: Choose “Change Wi-Fi Network”

In the Device Health section, look for the “Change Wi-Fi Network” option. Tap on this option to initiate the process of reconnecting your Ring device to a new Wi-Fi network.

Step 5: Follow On-Screen Instructions

The Ring app will guide you through the necessary steps to reconnect your device to Wi-Fi. Follow the on-screen instructions, which may include entering your preferred Wi-Fi network’s password and selecting the network.

Step 6: Device Setup Mode

After entering the required information, your Ring device will enter setup mode. This mode creates a temporary Wi-Fi access point that you will connect to from your mobile device. The Ring device will attempt to join the Wi-Fi network you selected during the setup process.

Step 7: Connect to Wi-Fi

Ensure your mobile device is connected to the temporary Wi-Fi access point created by your Ring device. For iOS devices, navigate to “Settings” and select “Wi-Fi.” Choose the Ring access point, which should be labeled “Ring” followed by the last six numbers of your MAC ID or “Ring setup” followed by the last two numbers of your MAC ID. If you’re using an Android device, it should automatically connect to the Ring access point.

Step 8: Select Your Wi-Fi Network

Once connected to the Ring access point, return to the Ring app. Select your desired Wi-Fi network from the available options and enter the network’s password. Tap “Continue” to proceed.

Step 9: Test the Connection

After successfully connecting your Ring device to Wi-Fi, it’s essential to test the connection. For Ring cameras, check if the live view displays the camera’s feed correctly. If you’re reconnecting a doorbell, manually ring the bell to initiate a test call and ensure the connection is stable.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully reconnected your Ring camera or doorbell to Wi-Fi. Your device is now ready to provide reliable security and monitoring for your home.

Choosing the Right Wi-Fi Frequency for Your Ring Device

When connecting your Ring device to Wi-Fi, it’s important to consider the right Wi-Fi frequency for optimal performance. Most modern routers support both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right frequency for your Ring device:

Check Router Capabilities: Determine if your router supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. You can find this information in the router’s manual or settings.

Ring Device Compatibility: Refer to your Ring device’s specifications to identify which frequency bands it supports. Older models may only be compatible with 2.4GHz, while newer models support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

Range and Penetration: The 2.4GHz band offers better range and wall-penetration capabilities, making it suitable for devices located farther from the router or behind obstacles. If your Ring device is situated at a distance or behind walls, the 2.4GHz band may be the better choice.

Speed: The 5GHz band provides faster data speeds but has a slightly shorter range compared to 2.4GHz. If your Ring device is closer to the router and you prioritize performance, consider using the 5GHz band.

Selecting the appropriate Wi-Fi frequency ensures optimal connectivity and performance for your Ring device.

Troubleshooting Tips for Ring Connectivity Issues

Even with a proper setup, occasional connectivity issues may arise. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help resolve common Ring connectivity problems:

Check the Ring Battery

If you’re using a battery-powered Ring device, ensure that the battery is adequately charged. Low battery levels can affect the device’s ability to establish and maintain a stable Wi-Fi connection. Plug in the device or replace the battery if necessary.

Reset Your Router

Temporary hiccups in your router’s performance can disrupt the Wi-Fi connection. To address this, try rebooting your router. Turn it off, wait for about 30 seconds, and then turn it back on. This simple action can refresh the router’s settings and potentially resolve any minor connection issues.

Configuration Changes

Accidental changes to your router’s settings can cause connectivity problems. Double-check the router’s settings to ensure they haven’t been modified unintentionally. Verify that the network name (SSID) and password match what you’ve entered in your Ring device.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can address common connectivity issues and ensure a stable connection for your Ring device.

Ensuring a Stable Wi-Fi Connection to Your Ring Device

To ensure a stable Wi-Fi connection for your Ring device, consider the following tips:

Router Placement: Position your Wi-Fi router at a central location within your home. Avoid placing it behind furniture or near electronic devices that can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. The placement of the router significantly impacts the coverage and strength of the Wi-Fi signal.

Signal Strength Check: Confirm that your Ring device is within an optimal range of your Wi-Fi router. Weak signals can result in slow data transfer and unreliable connections. Adjust the device’s placement or consider using signal boosters if necessary.

Dual-Band Wi-Fi: If your router supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies, utilize this feature. The 2.4GHz band offers wider coverage, making it suitable for devices located farther from the router. The 5GHz band provides faster speeds for devices in closer proximity to the router.

Network Security: Secure your Wi-Fi network with a strong password to prevent unauthorized access. This safeguards your network from potential security breaches and ensures a stable connection for your Ring device.

Regular Updates: Keep your router’s firmware and your Ring device’s software up to date. Regular updates ensure compatibility, bug fixes, and security improvements, similar to updating software on a computer.

By implementing these measures, you can maintain a stable and reliable Wi-Fi connection for your Ring device.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Ring automatically reconnect to Wi-Fi?

Yes, Ring devices are designed to automatically reconnect to Wi-Fi networks if they experience temporary disconnection. This feature ensures that your device remains connected and operational, providing uninterrupted security and convenience. However, if the disconnection persists or if you change your Wi-Fi network, you may need to manually reconnect your Ring device.

Why can’t my Ring find my Wi-Fi?

There are several possible reasons why your Ring device may not be able to find your Wi-Fi network. These include weak signal range, hidden SSID (network name), incorrect password, or frequency mismatch. Ensure that your device is within range of your Wi-Fi router and verify that the network information you’re entering is correct.

Why won’t my Ring doorbell connect to Wi-Fi after a power outage?

Power outages can sometimes disrupt network settings, causing connectivity issues. If your Ring doorbell fails to connect to Wi-Fi after a power outage, try rebooting your router and the Ring device itself. Ensure that you’ve correctly set up and connected the doorbell to the appropriate Wi-Fi network. If the problem persists, manual reconnection may be necessary.


Connecting your Ring camera or doorbell to Wi-Fi is a straightforward process that ensures you can fully utilize the features and benefits of these devices. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you can easily reconnect your Ring device to Wi-Fi and enjoy reliable security and monitoring for your home. Remember to consider the right Wi-Fi frequency for optimal performance and implement troubleshooting tips to address connectivity issues. With a stable Wi-Fi connection, your Ring device will provide enhanced security and peace of mind for you and your family.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.

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