How to Create a Private Story or Custom Story on Snapchat – Complete Guide

Create Custom Story on Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular multimedia instant messaging service known for its unique feature of disappearing pictures and messages. With millions of users worldwide, Snapchat provides users with the ability to share stories, which are collections of images and videos that can be viewed for 24 hours. One of the most appealing features of Snapchat is the ability to create and share Private Stories and Custom Stories, giving users more control over their content sharing. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of creating and sharing Private Stories and Custom Stories on Snapchat.

Private Story vs. Custom Story: The Difference

Before we dive into the details of creating Private Stories and Custom Stories, it’s important to understand the distinction between the two. While both types of stories allow you to share content with select friends, there are some key differences in terms of control and interaction.

A Private Story is a story that you create and share exclusively with a specific group of friends. You have complete control over who can view your Private Story, as well as whether or not those selected friends can contribute their own snaps or messages to the story. This means that you can share personal moments and updates with a smaller, more intimate circle of friends, ensuring that only those you trust can see and interact with the content.

On the other hand, a Custom Story is a story that you create and share with all of your friends. However, unlike a Private Story, you can allow your friends to contribute their own snaps or messages related to the story. This type of story is great for collaborative experiences, such as sharing memories from a group outing or creating a story for a special occasion where everyone can contribute their own perspectives.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the difference between Private Stories and Custom Stories, let’s explore how to create each type on Snapchat.

Creating a Custom Story on Snapchat

To create a Custom Story on Snapchat, follow these simple steps:

Open the Snapchat app on your device and log in if necessary.

Tap on your profile icon, usually located in the top left corner of the screen, to access your profile.

Under your profile, you will see various options like Bitmoji, Friends, SnapMap, and Stories. Tap on the “Stories” option.

Next to the “Stories” option, you will find a small box labeled “+New Story.” Tap on it.

In the menu that appears, select “Custom Story.”

Now, you can choose the friends you want to see and contribute to your Custom Story. Simply tap on the names of the friends you want to include in the story.

Once you have selected your friends, tap on the “Create Story” button.

Give your Custom Story a name that reflects its theme or purpose. For example, if you’re creating a story about a road trip, you could name it “Road Trip Adventures.”

After naming your Custom Story, tap “Done” to save your changes.

Your Custom Story will now be saved under “My Story.” To add pictures or videos to your Custom Story, tap on the arrow symbol at the bottom of the screen to capture new content or select existing content from your camera roll.

Once you have added content to your Custom Story, all the friends you selected will be able to view, post, and comment on it.

Creating a Custom Story on Snapchat allows you to share experiences and memories with all of your friends, while also giving them the opportunity to contribute their own snaps or messages to the story. It’s a fun and collaborative way to create and share content with a larger group.

Creating a Private Story on Snapchat

If you prefer to create a Private Story on Snapchat, follow these steps:

Open the Snapchat app on your device and log in if necessary.

Tap on your profile icon to access your profile.

Under your profile, tap on the “Stories” option.

Next to the “Stories” option, tap on “+New Story.”

In the menu that appears, select “Private Story.”

Now, choose the friends you want to be able to view your Private Story by tapping on their names.

Once you have selected your friends, tap on the “Create Story” button.

Give your Private Story a name that represents its content or purpose. For example, if you’re creating a story about a family vacation, you could name it “Family Adventures.”

After naming your Private Story, tap “Done” to save your changes.

Your Private Story will now be saved under “My Story.” To add pictures or videos to your Private Story, tap on the arrow symbol at the bottom of the screen to capture new content or select existing content from your camera roll.

Once you have added content to your Private Story, only the friends you selected will be able to view it.

Creating a Private Story on Snapchat allows you to share personal moments and updates with a select group of friends. It provides a more intimate and private space for sharing content that you may not want to share with all of your friends.

Tips for Creating Engaging Stories on Snapchat

Now that you know how to create Private Stories and Custom Stories on Snapchat, here are some tips to make your stories more engaging and enjoyable for your friends:

  1. Be Authentic: Share genuine and real moments from your life. Your friends will appreciate seeing the real you.
  2. Use Filters and Lenses: Snapchat offers a wide range of filters and lenses that can add fun and creativity to your stories. Experiment with different options to make your content more visually appealing.
  3. Add Text and Stickers: Use text and stickers to add context and personality to your snaps. You can highlight important details, share captions, or simply add some fun elements to your stories.
  4. Mix Photos and Videos: Don’t limit yourself to just one type of content. Mix photos and videos to create a dynamic and engaging story.
  5. Tell a Story: Instead of just sharing individual snaps, try to create a narrative with your story. Take your friends on a journey and make them feel like they’re a part of the experience.
  6. Experiment with Editing Tools: Snapchat offers various editing tools, such as drawing tools and emojis, to enhance your snaps. Get creative and have fun with these features.
  7. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage your friends to interact with your stories by asking questions or inviting them to share their own experiences related to your content.
  8. Be Consistent: Regularly update your stories to keep your friends engaged. Posting consistently will ensure that your stories remain fresh and interesting.

By following these tips, you can create captivating and enjoyable stories on Snapchat that will keep your friends coming back for more.


Snapchat’s Private Stories and Custom Stories feature provides users with more control over their content sharing, allowing them to share personal moments and collaborate with select groups of friends. Whether you want to create a Private Story to share intimate moments or a Custom Story for a collaborative experience, Snapchat offers a user-friendly platform for creating and sharing engaging stories. By following the steps outlined in this guide and incorporating some creative ideas, you can make the most out of Snapchat’s storytelling capabilities and connect with your friends in a more meaningful way. So, start creating and sharing your stories on Snapchat today and enjoy the unique and interactive experience it offers.

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