find IMEI number without a phone

The initials IMEI Mean International Mobile Equipment Identity. IMEI numbers are a part of the phones unique codes that are mainly provided by the developer. Each mobile device has its IMEI that can be traced back to the device provider. Counterfeit Phones are the triggers to the mobile phone companies to make devices with special code IMEI. How to find IMEI number without a phone?

find IMEI number without a phone

What is the purpose of the IMEI number?

IMEI gives the device owner information about the brand or model of the phone being used. When the users contact a repair shop, they will have to look for IMEI before anything else. This is to check the specifications of the device.

If your Phone gets misplaced, you can readily contact the provider and block the IMEI. Its good idea to call customer support as soon as you can when you realize your device has been accessed by anyone else other than you. But how to find IMEI number without a phone?

IMEI is unique to every device. These means that for devices to function the use code has to be genuine. Users can access the IMEI of their devices using other devices. All they need is the browser of the other device. Most people are interested in accessing the IMEI of a device in case the owner has misplaced it.

How To find IMEI number without a phone online

In the past, Android users could check their IMEI numbers from google Dashboard. However many companies have changed the method in which they manufacture their devices. Users can use Find My Device which is part of google Security Services. 

When you sign in to Find My Device, your Android will be listed on the left-hand side of the screen. You can click on the information icon next to the device name. The IMEI will display on the screen.

How to find IMEI number without a phone Online on IOS

Apple has made its devices to be secure even in the events of theft. The users can retrieve the information to their devices by connecting the device t another device through a browser.

IOS users can use their Apple ID Account to discover the IMEI number on their iPhone, by

Step 1: On your Computer, Open the apple home page.

Step 2: Sign in with the Apple ID used on the phone during the official registration

Step 3: Scroll down to Devices

Step 4: Click on the device to see its IMEI

The best thing users can do when their phone is lost is to contact their providers, they can give you the information you need about getting your phone blocked. If your phone is synced with your Google account the user can sign in with the Account you used for registration. Click on the Find your phone of the screen and connect with the lost device.

How to use MTK IMEI Writer

Before performing anything you to ensure that the right tools are used for accessing their IMEI. The user can use the guide provided here to access the device tools

Step 1: The device needs to run on MediaTek Chip to derive the IMEI of the device.

Step 2: Download the Iwriter IMEI Writer tool and install the correct USB Driver 

Step 3: Now connect your Android Device to the PC using the USB data cable. Let your device get detected by the computer.

Step 4: Open the MTK IMEI writer tool

Step 5: Click on the scan button to scan the existing IMEI number of your device

Step 6: As per your requirement, you can also write the existing IMEI number on your device.

 MTK is easy to use and can be used to perform several complex operations.

How to use IMEI

IMEI is used by many companies to ensure that the security details of their devices are well established. The users can use the Codes to access their devices once it is misplaced. IMEI is important to manufactures since they can trace the devices when security concern arises. IMEI can be used for security purposes to identify whether the real owner is the person in possession of the device.

When to use IMEI

IMEI code can be used when security issues arise. The users can contact their providers to block the devices once they land in the wrong hands. IMEI is important to the phone manufactures when making sure that the devices are designed to meet their end-user needs.

The uses of IMEI are diverse. It all depends on the user needs to get their phone verified. Many issues can be sorted out by the IMEI generation.

Who can access IMEI number

The code can be accessed by several parties including the manufactures. IMEI is used to achieve several intentions. The users can use the platforms to access their phone in case of misplacing.

With your phone in hand, checking your IMEI can be challenging. The IMEI code is mainly used for security purposes. There are many ways users can access the IMEI of their devices. It’s always advisable for the users to record the time of the devices they purchase. These will enable the users to have access to the device in case they misplace it.

Its relatively easy to check the IMEI even if your phones gone, the available platforms online can be used by the users to access the device they are using IMEI at any moment.

How to access IMEI

The last number on the 15 digit IMEI number located on the back of iPhones can be used to access other codes in the phone in case of malfunction. The user can opt to change it’s once the device has been purchased. The users can ensure the most accurate access to the security features of the devices they are using to avoid unwarranted challenges to the phone.

Wrapping up

When users need to access their devices the first idea that comes to their mind is how to access the IMEI of their devices. The users can use another phone to access their lost devices. The users can Connect using the purchasing details initially used when acquiring the device.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.


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