How to Stop Suggested Posts on Instagram?


Are you tired of scrolling through your Instagram feed only to be bombarded with suggested posts that don’t interest you? Do you want to regain control of your feed and see content that truly resonates with your preferences? You’re not alone. Many Instagram users find suggested posts intrusive and irrelevant to their interests. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of turning off suggested posts on Instagram, allowing you to tailor your feed to your liking. So, let’s dive in and reclaim your Instagram experience!

Instagram Suggestions

Before we dive into how to turn off suggested posts on Instagram, let’s first understand what these suggestions are and why they appear in your feed. Instagram’s suggested posts are algorithmically recommended content that appears in both your feed and on the Explore page. These suggestions are based on various factors, including your activity on the app, the accounts you follow, and the posts you interact with.

When you constantly view the most recent content from the people you follow, Instagram ensures that suggested posts are displayed to you. These recommendations are tailored to your interests, leveraging your interactions, and the prominence of the posts and accounts. While some users see suggested posts as an opportunity to discover new content and broaden their interests, others find them intrusive and prefer to have more control over their feed.

How to Turn Off Suggested Posts on Instagram

If you’re among those who want to get rid of suggested posts on Instagram, follow these simple steps to regain control of your feed:

Step 1: Disable “Similar Account Suggestions”

One way to turn off suggested posts is by deactivating the “Similar Account Suggestions” feature. By doing so, Instagram will no longer recommend posts from accounts similar to the ones you’re already following and the content you interact with.

To disable “Similar Account Suggestions,” follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram on your mobile browser and log in (not the app).
  2. Navigate to your profile page and click on “Edit profile.”
  3. Disable the option for “Similar Account Suggestions.”

By deactivating this feature, you’ll no longer receive suggestion posts from accounts that are similar to the ones you follow or interact with.

Step 2: Deactivate “Show Activity Status”

The “Show Activity Status” feature allows you to see the engagement and activity status of other Instagram users. While this feature can be useful, it can also lead to receiving junk messages and recommended posts that clutter your feed.

To turn off suggested posts by deactivating “Show Activity Status,” follow these steps:

  1. Open your Instagram app.
  2. Click on your profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner.
  3. Select “Settings and Privacy” and scroll down to “Messages and Story Replies.”
  4. Choose “Show Activity Status” and disable the toggle switch.

By deactivating “Show Activity Status,” you won’t receive any suggestion posts based on your connections’ activity on Instagram.

Step 3: Mute Suggested Posts

While you can’t completely avoid suggested posts from appearing, Instagram offers a feature that allows you to mute them and prevent them from cluttering your feed.

To mute a suggested post, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Instagram app.
  2. Scroll through your feed until you find a suggested post. Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of the post.
  3. Select “Not Interested.”
  4. Choose the option to mute the posts for 30 days. You can also choose to permanently stop seeing posts from the creator.

By muting suggested posts, you won’t see related content or posts from similar accounts in your feed for a specific period or permanently, depending on your choice.

Pro Tips: Enhancing Your Instagram Experience

While turning off suggested posts can greatly improve your Instagram experience, there are a few additional tips to enhance your feed and avoid appearing in other users’ suggestions:

Set up a Private Account

If you want more control over who sees your posts and to avoid appearing in other users’ suggestions, consider setting your Instagram account to private. By doing so, only the people who follow you will be able to see your posts, ensuring a more personalized and private experience.

To set up a private account, follow these steps:

  1. Locate your account settings.
  2. Search for “Account Privacy” and activate the “Private Account” feature.

By setting your account to private, you can prevent your posts from being suggested to other users and maintain greater control over your privacy.

Use Relevant Hashtags

To avoid being suggested to other users and ensure your posts receive proper visibility, it’s essential to use relevant hashtags. Using hashtags that are related to the content you’re posting will help Instagram understand your intentions and prevent your profile from being suggested to users who may not share your interests.

Be mindful of using hashtags that are irrelevant or unrelated to your post’s concept, as this can lead to your profile being recommended to users who may not find your content relevant.

Interact with Authentic Accounts

To minimize the chances of appearing in other users’ suggested posts, it’s important to interact with authentic accounts that share similar goals and interests. Engaging with junk accounts that interact with numerous posts on Instagram can increase the likelihood of your profile being recommended to other users.

Choose carefully who you follow and interact with on Instagram to reduce the chances of your account being suggested to users who may not align with your interests.

Minimize Engagement with Unresponsive Users

Engaging with users on Instagram increases the likelihood of your profile being suggested to them. However, if you find that users you engage with don’t reciprocate your interactions, it may be beneficial to minimize your engagement with them.

By being selective about who you engage with, you can reduce the chances of your profile being suggested to users who may not be interested in your content. Additionally, consider using tools to identify users who don’t follow you back, as this can help you better manage your interactions and ensure your content reaches the right audience.

Wrapping Up

Instagram’s suggested posts can sometimes clutter your feed with content that doesn’t align with your interests. Fortunately, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can regain control of your Instagram experience and tailor your feed to your liking.

Remember, turning off suggested posts involves disabling “Similar Account Suggestions,” deactivating “Show Activity Status,” and muting suggested posts. Additionally, take advantage of pro tips such as setting up a private account, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with authentic accounts to enhance your Instagram experience further.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be able to curate a feed that truly reflects your interests and preferences, ensuring a more enjoyable and personalized Instagram journey. So, what are you waiting for? Take control of your Instagram feed today and start enjoying a clutter-free and tailored experience!


How do I turn off Instagram suggested posts?

To turn off suggested posts on Instagram, tap the three dots on a suggested post, then tap “Not interested.” This will help customize your feed and prevent similar content from being shown in the future.

Why should I turn off suggested posts?

There are several reasons why you might want to turn off suggested posts. Some users find the content irrelevant to their interests, while others want more control over their feed or have privacy concerns. Turning off suggested posts is a personal choice that allows you to tailor your Instagram experience.

Can I completely hide suggested posts?

No, Instagram does not currently provide an option to completely hide suggested posts. However, you can mute individual suggested posts to indicate your preferences and prevent them from appearing in your feed.

Will turning off suggested posts affect my regular feed?

No, turning off suggested posts will not affect your regular feed. It simply tailors recommendations to your preferences, ensuring that you see content that aligns with your interests.

Is this feature available to all Instagram users?

Yes, the option to turn off suggested posts is available to all Instagram users who wish to personalize their feed and have more control over the content they see.

Remember, by following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the pro tips, you can reclaim your Instagram feed and enjoy a more personalized and clutter-free experience. Happy Instagramming!

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