How to Pin Conversations in the Message App in iOS 14

If you have recently updated your iPhone to iOS 14, then you may have been prompted to Apple’s new features to pin conversations, group images, inline replies, message filters, and @ tags. So, here is a guide which will help you to understand how to use these new features.

How to Pin Conversations in the Message App in iOS 14?

Open the Message app

Click on the “Edit” from the top left corner

Click on “Edit Pins”

Select the yellow pin icon, which will appear next to the conversations. Tap the yellow icon to pin your desired conversation.

Select “Done”

On the other hand, you can pin any conversation to the top of the app by pressing and holding a chat and clicking on “Pin.” So, this is how to pin conversations in the message app in iOS 14.

How to Unpin Conversations in the Message App in iOS 14?

  1. Open Message app
  2. Click on the “Edit” from the top left corner
  3. Click on “Edit Pins”
  4. Select the “- “symbol next to a name to unpin the chat
  5. Select “Done”

On the other hand, you can unpin any chat by pressing and holding a conversation and then clicking on “Unpin”.

How to Reply Inline in the Message App in iOS 14?

Group conversations sometimes get mixed up with new conversations but now you can reply to a specific text to keep everything organized and meaningful. Follow these steps to reply inline –

  1. Press a text to which you want to respond and select “Reply”
  2. Type your text in the reply field and send the message

The person who sent the original text will be able to see your direct reply to it.

How to Add A Group Photo in the Message App in iOS 14?

With the new update of Apple, you can now set up both name and image for any group conversations. Follow these steps to set up a name and a photo –

Open a group conversation

Select the icons at the top

Then select Info and then click on Change Name and Photo

Type a name in the Group Name section

Click on the Camera icon to click a picture or you can tap on the Photos icon to select an existing photo from your phone

Click on the Smiley icon to add emoji or the pen icon to draw an image with text and color.

Click on Done to save your changes

How to Mention Someone by Their Name in the Message App?

Now you can mention someone in a text message to make it easier for the person to respond to any message that includes their name. To mention someone, follow these steps –

  1. Type the person’s first name, then tap the name
  2. Select the person from the pop-up icon

Alternatively, you can also type @ followed by one’s name and it will automatically convert into a mention.

How to Get Notified of Mentions in the Message App?

Sometimes you mute groups to avoid constant messages and alerts of new messages. However, if you still want to receive notifications if somebody mentions you in a text, then follow these steps to set up alerts for every mention –

  1. Go to the Settings and tap on Messages
  2. Go to the Mentions section and turn on the switch for “Notify Me.”

Now you will be able to receive notification from a muted conversation if someone mentions your name.

How to Filter Out Unknown Senders in the Message App in iOS 14?

Follow these steps to filter out unknown senders –

Go to settings

Click on the Messages

From the Message Filtering segment, turn on the Filter Unknown Senders option

From Messages, select the Filters link from the top left corner and select between All Messages, Known Senders (people present in your contact), and Unknown Senders (who are not present in your contact).

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