Things To Build in Minecraft Survival That Are Useful

Minecraft Survival

In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless when it comes to building and creating in the survival mode. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there are plenty of cool and useful things you can build to enhance your gameplay experience. From secret storage basements to immersive horse stables, this article will guide you through a variety of building ideas that will take your Minecraft survival game to the next level.

1. Secret Storage Basement

One of the most useful things you can build in Minecraft survival is a secret storage basement. This hidden hideout will serve as a safe and secure storage space for your most valuable belongings. While it may require specific materials and some level of skill to construct, it’s well worth the effort. As you progress through the game, you’ll be able to craft more exclusive block types that can complement your base. Building a survival basement with a secret passage is a great way to allocate your valuable resources. With a solid foundation and some creative decorations, you can create a storage space that’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

2. Fountain

Adding a fountain to your town or garden is a great way to enhance the beauty of your surroundings. A beautifully designed water fountain fits perfectly within most settlement-oriented buildings, especially in large-scale towns. While building a fountain may be a time-consuming project, it’s a refreshing change of pace from gathering resources. Consider incorporating a giant fountain that matches the overall aesthetics of your base or opt for multiple smaller fountains placed strategically around your house. The time and effort you put into building a fountain will be well worth it, as it adds a touch of elegance to your Minecraft world.

3. Garden

A garden is often an overlooked element that can be incorporated into any house you build in Minecraft. Not only does a garden enhance the aesthetics of your house, but it also provides an opportunity to gather different flowers and plants you come across. Consider the size of your garden and whether it can accommodate trees and saplings from different biomes. Take your garden to the next level by creating a sprawling landscape with walkways, acting as a park or flower show for you to relax and enjoy. A well-designed garden adds a touch of beauty and tranquility to your Minecraft world.

4. Immersive Horse Stable

With the introduction of new biomes in the latest version of Minecraft, traveling long distances to explore different areas has become more exciting. And what better way to do that than with a trusty horse? Building a horse stable will provide a safe and comfortable home for your horse when you’re not out adventuring. Consider designing an immersive horse stable that complements the surrounding environment. You can use a variety of materials, such as wood and hay bales, to create a rustic and authentic look. Your horse will appreciate having a cozy place to rest while you’re off on your Minecraft adventures.

5. Farms

Farms are essential in Minecraft survival, as they provide a steady and reliable source of sustenance. Setting up a farm near your base is the best way to ensure a consistent supply of food. Building farms in Minecraft requires creativity and ingenuity, as you’ll need to devise various ways to maximize your resource output. Consider building farms for different items, such as crops, animals, or even rare materials like iron. Villagers can also be utilized to create specialized farms, such as iron farms or XP farms. Building and maintaining farms may require some knowledge of blocks, mobs, and items, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

6. Castle

Building a castle in Minecraft is a grand undertaking that can become a magnificent spectacle when done right. Start by planning the floor plan and perimeter wall surrounding your castle. You can add additional features such as a drawbridge and a moat for an extra touch of flair. The style and aesthetic of your castle will depend on the fantasy theme you’re going for, and the blocks you choose to use. The more thought and planning you put into the design of your castle, the better the end result will be. Building a castle is a rewarding project that will showcase your creativity and dedication in Minecraft survival.

7. Sleeping Quarters

Every player in Minecraft needs a place to sleep, but why settle for a basic bed when you can create something cool and unique? Get creative with your sleeping arrangements by building bunk beds using trapdoors and barrels. Experiment with different block combinations to create interesting patterns that are easy to obtain in survival mode. Minecraft is full of hidden mechanics and lesser-known facts that are incredibly fun to explore. Building a unique and stylish sleeping area is a simple yet satisfying project that adds a personal touch to your Minecraft survival base.

8. Outdoor Area Overhaul

After completing your base, you may find that the surrounding area looks a bit barren compared to your detailed build. Take some time to focus on small projects that can enhance the overall aesthetic of your outdoor space. Consider adding decorative elements like trees, flowers, and pathways to create a more inviting environment. Small touches like benches, lampposts, or even a gazebo can make a significant difference in transforming your outdoor area into a cozy and welcoming space. By tackling these small projects at your own pace, you can create a well-rounded and visually appealing Minecraft survival base.

9. Winter Cabin

Building a winter cabin is a great way to add a natural yet simple structure to your Minecraft world. The aesthetics of the cabin can be inspired by the adjacent spruce forest, creating a harmonious blend with the environment. If you decide to build a larger home in a different biome, you can repurpose the cabin as a hunting hut or a cozy retreat. This versatile build can be achieved anywhere without the need for rare blocks, making it a practical and achievable project. With the right materials on hand, building a winter cabin can take as little as 10 minutes and provide a charming addition to your Minecraft survival world.

10. City

Why settle for just a house when you can build an entire city in your Minecraft world? Building a city allows you to unleash your creativity and imagination, incorporating various elements that you love. Your city can include bridges, rivers, roads, parks, trees, cars, skyscrapers, and more. Creating a city in Minecraft requires a considerable amount of resources, but you can always switch to Creative mode to speed up the building process. Additionally, you can invite your friends to join you in building the city, creating a collaborative and immersive Minecraft experience.

11. Rail System

Rails and minecarts are an efficient way to travel long distances in Minecraft. If you have a large world with scattered farms and structures, consider setting up a rail system to connect them all. Power rails can be placed strategically throughout your world, allowing for quick and convenient transportation. For a more immersive experience, you can even build a subway system by digging tunnels underground. A well-designed rail system will make traveling around your Minecraft world faster and more efficient.

12. Obstacle Course

Once you’ve mastered the game and built your base, why not challenge yourself and your friends with a massive obstacle course? Building an obstacle course in Minecraft allows you to showcase your creativity and ingenuity. Utilize features from the latest updates, such as drip leaves, to create challenging and exciting obstacles. Challenge your friends to complete the course and time each other to see who can finish the course the fastest. Building an obstacle course adds an element of fun and competition to your Minecraft survival world.

13. Pixel Art

If you’re a fan of art and creativity, pixel art is a perfect project for you in Minecraft. The blocky art style of Minecraft lends itself well to creating pixelated designs. Whether it’s a meme, a scene from your favorite movie, or your favorite anime character, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild as you recreate your favorite images using Minecraft blocks. Pixel art is a fun and engaging project that allows you to express your creativity in a unique way.

14. Aquarium

Creating an aquarium in Minecraft is a great way to showcase the diverse underwater world of the game. With the ever-expanding list of water-dwelling mobs, building an aquarium allows you to collect and display various fish and marine creatures. You can start with a small tank in your home and expand it into a larger aquarium as you progress in the game. Exploring underwater areas will give you more opportunities to catch different fish and add them to your exhibit. Building an aquarium adds a touch of life and vibrancy to your Minecraft world.

15. Giant Statues

Building giant statues is a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and pay homage to memorable moments in your Minecraft journey. Whether it’s a massive statue of the ender dragon, a tribute to a battle with the wither, or even a larger-than-life figure of yourself, building giant statues is an impressive undertaking. Building a giant statue requires time and effort, but the end result is a magnificent structure that adds character and grandeur to your Minecraft world.

16. Mineshaft

While Minecraft offers a vast world to explore, building a mineshaft can be a practical addition to your survival base. A mineshaft provides easy access to caves and underground areas, allowing you to navigate through mines and tunnels at your convenience. You can design your mineshaft to have an ancient and rugged look, complete with working rails for an authentic mining experience. Building a mineshaft adds functionality and depth to your Minecraft survival base.

17. Beacons

Beacons are powerful and useful items in Minecraft that provide various benefits to players. While building beacons may be straightforward with the necessary resources, putting in the effort to acquire the materials can be rewarding. Consider building multiple beacons using valuable items like diamonds, emeralds, or even netherite. Having several beacons strategically placed around your base enhances your gameplay abilities and makes your Minecraft survival experience even more enjoyable.

18. Unique Portals

While normal portals in Minecraft serve their purpose, why not get creative and build unique portal designs? Experiment with different shapes and sizes to create portals that resemble giant swords, tears in reality, or any other design that sparks your imagination. By using obsidian blocks in different arrangements, you can create portals that are visually appealing and add a touch of uniqueness to your Minecraft world.

19. Watchtower

A watchtower is a practical addition to any Minecraft survival base, providing a vantage point to keep an eye on your surroundings. Whether you’re defending against hordes of zombies or looking out for creepers creeping up on your base, a watchtower equipped with arrows and a bow is a handy structure. You can design your watchtower to match the aesthetics of your base, adding creative touches to make it eye-catching and unique. A well-built watchtower offers both functionality and visual appeal in your Minecraft survival world.

20. Japanese-style House

If you’re a fan of Japanese culture, building a Japanese-style house in Minecraft is a great way to pay tribute to the elegant architectural style of Japan. From traditional wooden structures to intricate details, Japan’s architectural style adds a touch of beauty to your Minecraft world. You can explore the internet for blueprints or designs that inspire you and adapt them to fit your Minecraft survival base. Building a Japanese-style house allows you to create a serene and tranquil environment that will impress both you and your friends.


In Minecraft survival, the possibilities for building useful and creative structures are endless. Whether you’re constructing a secret storage basement, designing a beautiful garden, or building an entire city, the game offers a wide range of building options to suit every player’s preferences. By incorporating these building ideas into your Minecraft survival world, you can elevate your gameplay experience and create a unique and personalized world. So grab your pickaxe, gather your resources, and start building something amazing in Minecraft survival!

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