Venmo Not Connecting to Bank, How to Fix?

Venmo is a popular mobile app that allows users to easily transfer and receive money from family and friends. However, there are instances where users may encounter issues with Venmo not connecting to their bank accounts. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to perform a transaction. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Venmo may lose connection with your bank and provide effective solutions to fix the issue.

Modifying Online Banking Password

One common reason for Venmo losing connection with your bank account is if you have recently changed or updated your online banking password. When you modify your password, Venmo may not recognize the new password, leading to the error message. To resolve this, you can remove your bank account from Venmo and add it again, ensuring that you input the updated login credentials.

Changing Bank Account On Your Venmo App

Venmo allows users to link multiple bank accounts to their Venmo account. However, when you switch your primary bank account or payment method within the Venmo app, it may result in a connection issue. To avoid this, make sure to go through the verification process for any new bank accounts you add to Venmo to confirm ownership.

Bank Multi-Factor Authentication

Many banks now implement multi-factor authentication as an added layer of security. This can sometimes cause a lost connection with Venmo, as the app may not be compatible with the specific authentication requirements of your bank. In such cases, you may need to contact your bank to understand their authentication process and ensure it aligns with Venmo’s requirements.

Now that we understand the reasons behind Venmo not connecting to your bank account, let’s explore the solutions to fix this issue:

Check Your Internet Connection

Before assuming there is a problem with Venmo, ensure that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. Poor or lost internet connectivity can prevent Venmo from establishing a connection with your bank.

Update Your Venmo App

Using an outdated version of the Venmo app can lead to compatibility issues, including problems with connecting to your bank account. Check for app updates in your device’s app store and install any available updates for Venmo.

Double Check Your Banking Credentials

If you recently changed your online banking credentials, make sure you enter the correct and updated information in the Venmo app. This includes your username, password and any other required details. Double-check that all the information you enter matches the credentials for your bank account.

Contact Customer Support

If you have tried the above solutions and continue to experience issues with Venmo not connecting to your bank account, it is advisable to reach out to Venmo’s customer support. They have a dedicated team of experts who can provide assistance and help resolve the issue in a timely manner.


By following these steps and troubleshooting methods, you should be able to fix the issue of Venmo not connecting to your bank account. Remember to always ensure a stable internet connection, keep your app updated and enter accurate banking credentials. In case the problem persists, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from Venmo’s customer support. Now you can enjoy seamless transactions and transfers through Venmo without any connection issues.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.

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