How To Fix Google Pixel 6 Pro Slow WIFI And Mobile Data Issue

Fix Google Pixel 6 Pro Slow Wifi

The Google Pixel 6 Pro, launched in October 2021, has been a popular choice among smartphone users. However, some users have reported experiencing slow wifi and mobile data issues on their devices. If you’re facing similar problems, don’t worry. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various solutions to help you fix these connectivity issues and improve your internet experience on the Google Pixel 6 Pro.

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand why you may be facing slow wifi and mobile data issues on your Google Pixel 6 Pro. It’s important to note that not all users will experience these issues, and some may face either slow wifi or mobile data issues, or even both. Some potential causes of these problems include:

  1. Carrier or ISP blackout: A blackout or interruption in your carrier or internet service provider’s network can affect your wifi and mobile data connectivity.
  2. Interference between phone and modem: There may be hindrances or obstacles between your phone and the modem, causing a weak or unstable connection.
  3. Software updates: Some users have reported experiencing wifi and mobile data issues after updating their Google Pixel 6 Pro to the December 2021 patch. This could be due to software bugs or compatibility issues.

Now that we have a better understanding of the possible causes, let’s explore the solutions to fix your slow wifi and mobile data issues on the Google Pixel 6 Pro.

Solutions to Fix Slow Wifi and Mobile Data Issues

1. Avoid December Patch 2021 Update

Many users have reported experiencing wifi and mobile data issues after updating their Google Pixel 6 Pro to the December 2021 patch. If you haven’t updated your phone yet, it is recommended to avoid this update for now. This will prevent any potential compatibility issues that may arise from the update.

2. Switch Internet Connectivity

If you’re experiencing slow wifi or mobile data, try switching your internet connectivity on and off a few times. This simple step can help refresh the connection and resolve any temporary bugs or glitches. Toggle between wifi and mobile data to see if there’s any improvement in speed and stability.

3. Turn off and On Airplane Mode

Another quick solution is to toggle the airplane mode on your Google Pixel 6 Pro. Swipe down from the top of your screen to access the notification bar and tap on the airplane mode icon. Leave it enabled for a few seconds and then disable it. This action can help reset the network connections and potentially resolve any network-related issues causing slow wifi or mobile data.

4. Reboot Your Phone

Performing a reboot can often solve various connectivity issues, including slow wifi and mobile data. Rebooting your Google Pixel 6 Pro essentially restarts the device, stopping all tasks and processes, and freeing up system resources. To reboot your phone, press and hold the power button until the power menu appears. Then, tap on the “Restart” option and wait for your phone to restart. After the reboot, check if the wifi and mobile data performance has improved.

5. Check Internet Speed

Sometimes, the issue may not lie with your Google Pixel 6 Pro, but with your internet service provider. To rule out this possibility, check the speed of your internet connection using websites like or similar speed testing tools. If you notice significantly slower speeds than what you are paying for, contact your service provider to address the issue.

6. Contact Your Service Provider

If you’ve tried the previous solutions and are still experiencing slow wifi and mobile data, it’s time to get in touch with your service provider. There might be an issue at their end, such as scheduled maintenance, power outages, or unexpected interruptions affecting the services. Contact their customer support to report the problem and seek assistance. Provide them with specific details about your connectivity issues and any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.

7. Download Carrier Services

While waiting for an official solution from Google, some Google Pixel 6 Pro users have found a temporary fix by installing the latest beta version of the Google Carrier Services app from the Play Store. This workaround has helped many users improve their mobile network connectivity. Keep an eye out for any updates or announcements from Google regarding a permanent resolution to this issue.

8. Check Network Settings

Google Pixel 6 Pro offers various network mode options to enhance your user experience. Check your network mode settings in the Connections section of your device settings. Depending on your service provider and the available network options in your area, choose the appropriate network mode (e.g., 5G, 4G LTE, 3G). Selecting the right network mode can optimize your connectivity and ensure you’re using the most suitable network for your needs.

If none of the above solutions have resolved your slow wifi and mobile data issues, you may need to wait for a new software update from Google. Software updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements that can address connectivity issues. Keep your Google Pixel 6 Pro up to date with the latest software releases to ensure you’re benefiting from the latest optimizations and enhancements.


Slow wifi and mobile data issues can be frustrating, but with the right solutions, you can improve your connectivity on the Google Pixel 6 Pro. In this guide, we explored various troubleshooting steps to help you resolve these issues and enhance your internet experience. Remember to avoid the December 2021 patch update, switch internet connectivity, toggle airplane mode, reboot your phone, check internet speed, contact your service provider, download carrier services, and review your network settings. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to enjoying a stable and fast internet connection on your Google Pixel 6 Pro.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.

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