I’ve compiled a list of all the features included in the Resurrection Remix custom ROM that is available for both the OnePlus 3 and the OnePlus 3T.
Toward the end of last week I showed you all of the LineageOS features for the OnePlus 3 as well as the OnePlus 3T. I’ll be continuing this custom ROM feature series this week with the feature packed Resurrection Remix build. Just like before, I won’t be showing you how to install Resurrection Remix because I’ve already done a guide on how to install a custom ROM on the OnePlus 3 and the OnePlus 3T in a previous tutorial.
If a guide on how to install Resurrection Remix, LineageOS or any other custom ROM would be useful though, then please let me know in the comments section below. For today’s topic though, I just want to focus on all of the features that are included in Resurrection Remix for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T.
There is a ton to go over and this resulted in me showing fewer examples in the embedded video below. But I still show you the feature list in the video so that’s worth checking out.
You can find the official XDA thread for this custom ROM right here. This will include download links and brief instructions for how to install it.
OnePlus 3 Resurrection Remix Features
Navigation Bar
- Enable/Disable Navbar
- Navbar Button Customization smartbar
- Navbar Pulse
- Navbar Fling
- Double Tap To sleep navbar
Status Bar
- Brightness Slider
- Enable/Disable Show Notification Count
- SuperUser Indicator Switch
- Double Tap To sleep Statusbar
- Carrier Label
- Carrier Label Switch
- Carrier label Color
- Carrier Label Size
- Clock Customizations
- Time & date
- Day & date Toogle
- Center/Right/Left Clock Choice
- Date Format
- Clock Font Styles
- Battery
- Battery Bar customization
- Battery Icon Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
- Battery % Text
- Network Traffic Indicator
- Network Traffic Arrows Switch
- Incoming/OutGoing Traffic
- Network traffic Color
- Statusbar RR Logo
- RR logo Color
- Position
- Custom Logos
- logo Color
- Position
- Style
- StatusBar Weather
- Weather Color
- Weather Position(left/right)
- Weather Font Style
- Weather Size
- StatusBar Ticker
- Ticker Text color
- Ticker Icon Color

- Toast Animations
- ListView Animations
- System Animations
- Power Menu Animations
- Misc Animations
- Gestures Anywhere Feature
- 3 Finger Swipe Screenshot Gesture
App Circle Bar
- Choose apps in AppSidebar
- Trigger Width
- Trigger Hieght
- Trigger Position
- App Sidebar
- Choose apps in App circle
- Trigger Width
- Trigger Hieght
- Trigger Position
- Pie
- Pie Trigger(left ,Right ,Bottom)
- Pie Targets
- Pie Colors
- More Pie Features
Recents Panel
- Clear All button Switch
- Clear All Tasks Switch
- Clear All Button Location(Top right,Top Left,Top Center,Bottom Left,Bottom Right,Bottom Center)
- Full Screen Recents
- Recents Styles
- OmniSwitch
- SlimRecents

- Lockscreen Bottom Shortcuts
- Lockscreen General Shorcuts
- 100+ Icons for Shortcuts
- Double Tap to Sleep Lockscreen
- Lockscreen Media Art/Enable Disable
- Quick PIN/Patter Unlock
- LockScreen Wallpaper
- Lockscreen Weather Widget
- Lockscreen Icons Color
Quick Settings
- Quick Settings Draggable Tiles
- Customizable Tiles
- Dyanamic Tiles Adjustment
- Number of columns/rows
- Tile Animations
- Notification Drawer
- LongPress Toogles to Enter Settings
- Disable Immersive Mode Messages
- Force Expand Notification
- Quick PullDown
- Smart Pulldown
- Notification Panel Transperency
- Volume Dialog Transperency
- Notification Panel Stroke
- Volume Dialog Stroke
- Backlight Timer
- Backlight Strength
- Home Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
- Home Button answer call
- Long Press Actions
- Double Tap Actions
- Menu Button
- Short Press Actions
- Long Press Actions
- Search Button
- Short Press Action
- Long Press Action
- Volume Buttons
- Wake Up Device
- Playback Control
- Ringtone Volume Control
- Keyboard Cursor Control
- Swap Buttons on Landscape mode
- Volume Key Answer
Advanced Reboot Menu
- Power Menu Customizations
- Power Off
- Reboot(Recovery, Bootloader, Hot Reboot)
- ScreenShot
- Power Menu End Calls Switch
- Restart SystemUI
- Airplane Mode
- ScreenRecord
- On the Go Mode
- Sound Panel
SystemUI Tuner
- Enabled By default
- Removed Demo mode and Tweaked SystemUI Tuner As compared To AOSP
- StatusBar Icons Cuzomizations
- Quick Settings Customizations
- Selinux Switch
- cLock Shortcut
- Disable Battery Saver Warning Color
- Cammera Shutter Sound Enable/Disable
- Perfomance Profiles
- LCD Density
- Expanded Desktop Mode
- Heads Up Switch and customizations
- Live Display
- Configurable 0,90,180,270 Degree Rotation
- Lock Screen Autorotate Switch
- Native Tap to Wake From Marshmallow
- Double Tap Power Button To enable Camera gesture
- Prevent Accidental Wakeup
- Wake Phone on Charging Plug
- Battery Light Customizations
- Notification Light Customizations
- Font Size
- CM privacy guard
As mentioned, I won’t go over how to install Resurrection Remix on the OnePlus 3 or the OnePlus 3T as the process is the same as installing most custom ROMs. There are a couple of things that you’ll need to be aware of, but they’re talked about in the official XDA thread so you’ll want to read through that anyways. This is likely the most feature packed custom ROM available for the OnePlus 3 and the OnePlus 3T right now, and it’s available as a unified build for either device.
I don’t think there are any performance or battery life issues, but that is something you should keep an eye on once you have it installed on your device. As I talked about in the video, having so many features baked into a custom ROM has the potential of messing with the battery life, performance or both. You’ll want to use a custom ROM for about a week so the software can learn your usage patterns and ‘settle’ in. This will be the time when you can analyze the battery life
Let me know what you think about this custom ROM as a whole, and what your favorite feature is in this particular build.