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2482 posts
How to Boot the Galaxy S20 in Recovery Mode?
If you ever find that your Samsung Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra is unable to boot into…
HTC 10: How to Wipe the Cache Partition
Apps and games can sometimes force close if there’s something wrong with the cached data, so today I’m going…
Galaxy S6: How to Access Launcher Settings
The launcher is something we interact with every single day so let’s find out how to access the…
How to Disable the Galaxy S6 Capacitive Button Lights
Samsung is known for putting their capacitive buttons at the bottom of their phones and now we have…
How to Boot the LG G4 into Recovery Mode?
The LG G4 ships with Google’s stock version of Android Recovery. The company also doesn’t change the way…
How to Boot the Samsung Galaxy S20 in Download Mode?
With more people getting their hands on the Samsung Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20 Ultra, and Galaxy S20+, we’re…