What Is Fortitude In ARK: Survival Evolved? Is It Useful

Fortitude in ARK

Are you a fan of action-adventure survival games? If so, then you’re likely familiar with ARK: Survival Evolved. This popular game offers a thrilling experience where players must navigate a dangerous world filled with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. To survive in this hostile environment, players must carefully manage their character’s stats. While some stats, such as HP, are fairly straightforward, others can be more complex to understand. One such stat is fortitude. In this article, we’ll explore what fortitude is in ARK: Survival Evolved and discuss its usefulness in the game.

What Is Fortitude in ARK?

Fortitude is an in-game stat in ARK: Survival Evolved that measures how much a player is affected by specific status effects. For example, having a higher fortitude stat provides better resistance to heat, cold, poison, and other environmental factors. This stat can be increased by allocating points to fortitude when leveling up your character’s stats. By investing in fortitude, players can enhance their survivability in various situations.

The Importance of Leveling Up Fortitude

Leveling up fortitude in ARK: Survival Evolved is crucial for surviving in the game. While it may not seem necessary at first, fortitude plays a significant role in protecting your character from extreme temperatures and other dangerous conditions. A higher fortitude level provides increased resistance to cold temperatures, keeping you warm and preventing hypothermia. It also helps you withstand hot environments, reducing heat-related issues. Additionally, fortitude decreases the amount of torpidity you take from certain attacks, allowing you to escape dangerous situations and save your life. For example, having a higher fortitude level can reduce the amount of defecation caused by a Rex roar.

However, it’s important to note that fortitude is just one aspect of your character’s overall survivability. While fortitude can provide a significant boost, it’s essential to level up other stats as well, such as health, carrying capacity, and stamina. Balancing these stats is critical for optimal performance in the game.

How Points Affect Fortitude

When allocating points to fortitude, you’re essentially increasing your character’s ability to stay awake before losing consciousness. Initially, players start with 50 torpor resistance, which determines how quickly they become unconscious. By investing points in fortitude, you extend the number of points you have before passing out.

For example, if you’re traveling through an environment with temperatures as low as 23°F, you would need to allocate 45 points to fortitude to withstand the cold. This example highlights the importance of leveling up fortitude in ARK: Survival Evolved. Additionally, investing points in fortitude also increases your insulation, which further helps resist both hot and cold environments. Each point invested in fortitude provides an additional 4.5 points to your insulation. For instance, having one point in fortitude gives you a hypo and hyperthermic insulation of 4, while adding ten points would result in a total insulation of 45.

Increasing Stats Affected by Fortitude

While leveling up fortitude is important, it’s not the only way to improve the stats affected by this stat. There are various food items and armor options that can enhance your insulation and other fortitude-adjacent stats without using character points.

Food Items

Certain food items in ARK: Survival Evolved can increase your hyperthermic and hypothermic insulation, making you more resistant to extreme temperatures. Two notable food items are Fria Curry and Calien Soup.

Fria Curry

Fria Curry is a spicy dish designed to help players withstand cold environments. Consuming Fria Curry raises your body temperature, providing a 50-point bonus to your hypothermic insulation. To craft Fria Curry, you’ll need one container of water, two narcotics, 20 azulberry, ten mejoberry, five rockarrot, and five longrass. The effect of Fria Curry lasts for approximately 15 minutes and can be preserved for up to five hours on your character, 20 hours in a tamed dino’s inventory, two days in a preserving bin, or 20 days in a refrigerator.

Calien Soup

Similar to Fria Curry, Calien Soup offers a 50-point bonus to hyperthermic insulation. This refreshing vegetarian dish slows down the rate at which your character consumes water. To craft Calien Soup, you’ll need one full container of water, two simulants, 20 amarberries, ten mejoberries, 20 tinto berries, and five citronal. Like Fria Curry, Calien Soup’s effect lasts for approximately 15 minutes and can be preserved for up to five hours on your character, 20 hours in a tamed dino’s inventory, two days in a preserving bin, or 20 days in a refrigerator.

Armor Options

In addition to food items, certain armor options can also affect your insulation stats in ARK: Survival Evolved. These armor options provide varying degrees of hyperthermic and hypothermic insulation.

  • Cloth Armor: Provides 50 armor, 50 hypothermic insulation, and 60 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Hide Armor: Provides 100 armor, 85 hypothermic insulation, and -25 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Ghillie Armor: Provides 160 armor, 24 hypothermic insulation, and 155 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Chitin Armor: Provides 250 armor, 43 hypothermic insulation, and -35 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Fur Armor: Provides 200 armor, 249 hypothermic insulation, and -105 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Flak Armor: Provides 500 armor, 60 hypothermic insulation, and -25 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Hazard Armor: Provides 325 armor, 50 hypothermic insulation, and 300 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Desert Cloth Armor: Provides 200 armor, 31 hypothermic insulation, and 130 hyperthermic insulation.
  • SCUBA Suit: Provides five armor, 70-270 hypothermic insulation, and -15 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Tek Armor: Provides 900 armor, 255 hypothermic insulation, and 208 hyperthermic insulation.
  • Riot Armor: Provides 575 armor, 60 hypothermic insulation, and -17 hyperthermic insulation.

Each armor option has its pros and cons, so it’s essential to choose the right one for your specific needs. For example, Fur Armor provides high cold resistance but reduces heat resistance significantly. Therefore, if you’re planning to explore the final boss path in the island volcano, you’ll need more than one type of armor for optimal protection.

Other Insulation-Increasing Options

Apart from food items and armor, several other options can increase your insulation in ARK: Survival Evolved. Here are a few examples:

  • Building interiors: Being inside a building can provide a 112-point boost to hypothermic insulation and a 56-point boost to hyperthermic insulation.
  • Torches and standing torches: Lighting up a torch can give you a 50-point boost to cold resistance and reduce heat resistance by 25 points. Standing torches provide double the effect.
  • Campfires: Campfires offer resistance to cold and decrease heat resistance, making them another useful option for increasing insulation.
  • Air conditioners: Air conditioners provide a significant 100-point boost to both hypothermic and hyperthermic resistances. However, they only work indoors.
  • Hatch dinosaur eggs: Air conditioners can be used to create a steady flow of heat and cold, crucial for hatching dinosaur eggs.

These options offer convenient ways to increase your insulation and improve your chances of survival in extreme environments.

Increasing Torpidity Resistance

While fortitude primarily affects insulation and resistance to environmental effects, there are a few methods to increase your resistance to torpidity, even if you’ve already invested in fortitude. Eating stimberries can quickly reduce torpidity, although it doesn’t eliminate the effect entirely. Each stimberry reduces torpidity by 10 points and increases water levels in your body. Another option is using stimulants, which can be crafted using stimberries and sparkpowder. Stimulants lower torpidity by 40 points per serving, providing a faster solution than stimberries. However, like stimberries, stimulants can deplete your water levels rapidly. Additionally, wearing high-rating armor can also help mitigate the effects of torpidity.


In conclusion, fortitude plays a crucial role in ARK: Survival Evolved by providing resistance to extreme temperatures, reducing torpidity from certain attacks, and offering other benefits. Leveling up fortitude allows players to withstand harsh environments, protecting them from hypothermia, hyperthermia, and other dangerous effects. Additionally, utilizing food items and armor options can further enhance insulation and increase overall survivability. By understanding and optimizing fortitude, players can improve their chances of survival in the challenging world of ARK: Survival Evolved. So, make sure to allocate points to fortitude, consider the right armor for specific environments, and use food items strategically to maximize your character’s potential. Stay resilient, adapt to the environment, and conquer the dangers that await you in ARK: Survival Evolved!

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