Not all gamers are interested in technology, but everyone who plays video games benefits from the new technologies that are shaping the industry. Much of the focus is on developments in terms of graphics and gameplay, but tech innovations are also making video games more immersive and engaging than ever before.

Here is a quick look at four technologies that are powering the gaming industry right now. You may already be familiar with some of them, but one or two might just surprise you!

Augmented reality

Augmented Reality (AR) has had a rockier start than its more famous cousin, Virtual Reality (VR). The absolute failure of Google Glass and the use of AR for gimmicks or for mobile games aimed at young people all made AR seem like it wouldn’t be a game-changing development. It turns out, however, that AR is actually a very important new technology in the video game world. This is partly because AR is more social than VR and requires less equipment. One area in which AR has been particularly useful is in the development of live casino gaming.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is one feature of AR technology that makes online casino games possible. OCR technology converts what a camera records into digital information. In the casino table game context, it means that the camera records the dealer’s cards and the player can then play those cards.

Playing live dealer games also adds increased functionality to casino games. Instead of just playing a game of blackjack, players of live casino games can place Pair Square bets or Match the Dealer bets alongside their usual play.

Haptic controllers

Haptic controllers are a rapidly developing field. The use of vibration to convey some of the action from the game isn’t new. In fact, PlayStation debuted the DualShock controller in 1997 and some Game Boy games even had “rumble packs” built into them. These early versions simply rumbled or vibrated at certain set moments in the games.

Today’s haptic controllers are much more sensitive and provide different sensations depending on what is happening in the game. They add a whole other dimension to the game, making the immersion more complete.

Manufacturers are also focused on creating haptic gloves for AR and VR gaming. These gloves use pressure to allow players to feel the weight of the items they’re picking up and holding in the game, which will be an exciting development for gamers.

Cloud gaming

Most gamers have happy memories of going to the store to buy a hotly anticipated game on its release date. Tearing off the cellophane and cracking the case open was nearly as exciting as seeing the loading screen pop up for the first time. With the latest trend in gaming technology, however, new generations of gamers might never have those experiences.

Cloud gaming is how most gamers now play their games. With cloud gaming, the games aren’t physical copies; instead, they are hosted on remote servers that players access to play the games they want. This is often coupled with a subscription service so players have access to an entire game library without having to purchase each game on its own. Not every gaming company has fully embraced cloud gaming, but just last month, we saw Sony launch the beta program for PS5 cloud gaming.

There are a lot of benefits to cloud gaming. Storage is not a concern, and players can have access to as many games as they want. Cloud gaming is also a more consistent way to save games, limiting lost progress. Finally, cloud gaming is better for the environment since fewer physical copies of games are being produced.

Cross-platform gaming

For years, most console game titles were only released for a single system. Gamers had to either accept that they would miss out on being able to play some titles or would have to buy multiple console systems. The console wars of the 1990s and early 2000s were the peak of this, and many gamers felt very strongly about their preferred system.

Over time, however, cross-platform gaming has been growing in popularity. It’s at the point now where cross-platform gaming is on track to become how most games are released in the near future. This is partly due to the rise in online gaming, with players wanting to be able to play with their friends online regardless of the console system they own.

These four technologies may be influencing the way people enjoy games right now, but plenty of advancements are just around the corner that will further transform the gaming experience.


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