Valve puts you on a map with 4 other teammates – you must stand your ground against an enemy team of 5. If you lack what it takes amongst a team of inexperienced players, you can be sure of certain death. Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2) is difficult but promises so much fun at the same time if you’re properly informed before the match.

Instead of wasting your first hours dabbling in the game, we’d rather you spend a few minutes learning the tips we’ve provided here. Dota 2 Zoom Adjust Cheats are a great recommendation to smoothen your gameplay; try them out.

A beginners’ guide to playing DotA

1.    Choosing your Hero

A major determinant of your victory in the game is the hero you’re playing as. A key factor is how comfortable you play with whichever hero you choose. Valve packs DotA filled with over a hundred heroes, each having unique abilities that determine their playstyle.

The first step in picking your hero should involve experimenting with the different heroes in unranked matches. This gives you a pre-knowledge of the hero you’re using before you transition with them into ranked matches. You should be comfortable with your hero abilities and be sure that they suit your role.

2.    You need to choose a role.

Imagine watching a football match with no goalkeeper at the goal post. Awkward, right? The same goes in DotA when the different members of the team don’t have roles assigned to them. The game assigns five different roles for each member of the team.

The roles are Hard Carry, Utility Support, Hard Support, Solo Mid, and Offlaner. The Solo Mid, for example, is the team’s farmer and is ranked second in the team’s positions. Spend some time understanding the different hero abilities required for the role you’ve chosen to play. Once you’ve picked a role, you must stay at your post; it’s the only way your team can attain victory.

3.    Hero abilities

Apart from heroes, you’ll also find creeps in the game. Creeps are AI players in the game that are offensive or neutral (you have to attack the neutrals before they fight back). Each of these characters is endowed with 4 or more abilities and an ultimate ability.

Different abilities in the game range from little passive effects to enormous explosions. To avoid using these abilities carelessly, Valve designs the game so that you lose some mana each time you use them. These abilities can also be placed on cooldown after use, preventing you from using them for a while. Also, you can level up these abilities by using ability points.

4.    DotA Lanes

Your Ancient will be separated from your opponents’ ancient by a river. You can only gain access to your enemy’s ancient through any of the three lanes available on the map. Moreover, you’ll have to watch out for Creeps that spawn along these lanes – you’ll hate the experience of being killed by an unworthy opponent.

The three lanes in the game are the Top, Middle, and Bottom lanes. You can refer to these lanes as offlane and safelane. The Radiant safelane and Dire offlane comprise the bottom lane, while the Radiant offlane and Dire safelane comprise the top lane. If you’re in the Dire team, the Dire safelane is your safest lane to thread. The reverse is the case if you’re in the Radiant team.

5.    Play the Objective

Dota 2 is an objective-based game. This means that irrespective of the number of kills you’re able to make, you’re not a winner until you’ve completed the game’s objective. All your kills should be aimed at achieving the objective – destroying the opposition’s ancient.

Before getting to the ancient, you’ll have to destroy as many towers in your way as you can. Destroying these towers narrows down the number of resources your enemies have control of. Once you do this right, securing the objective won’t be much problem.


DotA is one of the most interesting MOBA games you’ll come across. However, to get the most fun out of the game, you’ll need to know the basics of battle arena games. If you’re coming from a similar game such as League of Legends, that’s a big plus because it will aid your knowledge of DotA’s basics. If you don’t have any pre-knowledge, the tips we’ve provided in this article will give you a good headstart.

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