Top 5 Most Reliable Programming Languages That Consistently Land Jobs

In the modern, digitalized world, the demand for talented engineers, as well as developers and programmers is on the rise. The growing importance of technology without a doubt will make this profession even more significant.

Even today, code is everywhere around us. From loading up websites, using social media, perhaps, when streaming films or TV shows it is a massive part of our life. Even activities that were always traditionally done face-to-face are being digitalized now, including visiting casinos, which are now more accessible online.

Truly, when looking at the newly established online casinos, offering consumers classic games like poker or baccarat online in the digital form, complex algorithms dominate the gambling world. With Random Number Generator technology, casinos operate upon predictive algorithms that ensure the randomness of rewards, as well as the fairness of games. This means that when spinning the wheel, many different softwares and algorithms activate, which ultimately, come together to determine your rewards.

With all of this considered it is no surprise the tens of millions of people are pursuing the computer science career with high hopes and expectations, and while coding was never easy, now the competition level may be on the rise. Of course this is counterbalanced by the fact that programming languages continue getting more and more versatile, and significantly easier to actually learn when compared to the close to the machine predecessors. With so many great options though, picking a starting point may be tricky, which is the issue that will be covered below.

5. C#

Often described as a general-purpose programming language, C# could serve as a great starting point one ones’ journey, considering the fact that it is a high-level language, meaning relatively close to human tongue, and it maintains its multi-purpose nature. The language is OOP (object-oriented) and is often used with the .Net framework, is great for web, as well as game development.

Via the data, the interest/usage for the language has been flat for a year, speaking of the consistency and reliability of C#. Notably, based on the StackOverflow surveys, (pool of 10 000 developers) more that 30% of employed workers use C# on the job. For a full time job, it is a solid option as it ranks top 10 in the most used language category, and the same goes for freelancing jobs.

4. C++

Next up is the predecessor of C#, and honestly, the ranking between the two is a bit of a tossup. For a beginner, C# would be more suitable as it is a higher-level language, but C++ edges its successor in the full-time job numbers department. C++ is also object-oriented, proving to be one of the best in the business when it comes to operating systems. It also has a well-respected place in the game industry, often being used for physics simulations, as well as in applications demanding high performance image processing. C++ has been used in wide variety of areas, mostly to develop apps or softwares that facilitates the internet of things software development.

Just like C#, it is also steady on the usage rate, while losing in the freelance market. That may be something definitely worth considering if one plans to not pursue coding full time.

3. Java

Java has been a household name for the back-end development for decades now, and it is very likely going to stay that way, as evident from the data as well. Java continues the trend of the OOP languages on this list, but statistically surpasses both C languages in usage at work, full-time jobs, and freelancing.

This is not too surprising though, as because Java has been around for so long, there are millions of active applications that run by it. While it is considered a high-level language, many might tell you not to start your journey with Java because of the learning curve. However, in terms of difficulty most agree it ranks below C++, and it is certainly manageable.

What might give one extra motivation though is the language’s placement in the top 3 in full-time jobs, as well as top 10 in freelancing jobs. The usage at work is around 35% too, making Java quite high-demand. As for the interest/usage growth, predictably it has been consistently flat for a very long time, not going up or down.

2. Python

Coming in at number two is arguably the most popular language on the planet today, and that would be Python. The language is used for both front, and back-end development, covering web, software development, as well as data science and machine learning jobs.

Being as close to English as programming languages can get as for today, most agree that it is a great option for beginners. Used by 40% of employed workers, as well as having the most amount of listed full-time jobs on, the data definitely backs this up too.

The interest/usage rate of the language has somehow gone up from the last year, perhaps because AI is becoming more and more relevant, and Python is great tool for Machine learning, as mentioned above.

1. JavaScript

This should come as no surprise, but statistically, JavaScript is the most reliable language on the planet today. It is an absolute must-have tool for any web developer, or some go as far as saying any programmer.

Statistically, it has most jobs on (Freelancing), second most, only slightly behind Python on (Full-time jobs), and a jaw-dropping 70% usage rate among employed developers. You simply cannot go wrong with learning JavaScript, and data, as well as the developers themselves back this up.

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