YouTube Comments Not Showing

Since it’s launch, YouTube has seen a significant transformation both as a website and an app. Even with all of this advancement, many users continue to experience problems with channel bans or view counts. Users frequently ask how to fix YouTube comments that don’t appear on videos.

One of those issues is “YouTube Comments Not Showing,” in which the comments section is completely absent or fails to load. So, these are some solutions to the issue. There are a few possibilities, yet nobody has worked out why YouTube comments don’t display for you.

So, keep reading to fix this issue by yourself.

Causes Why Is My YouTube Comments Not Showing?

Errors in your profile settings are the most frequent cause of this issue. Some of the other reasons include:

  • Cache and cookie accumulation
  • Apps not applying the latest updates
  • Glitches with the Browser
  • Issues with mobile devices

After being made aware of a bug, YouTube typically fixes it right away.

Fix My YouTube Comments Not Showing

The comments section has long been at the bottom of the YouTube app page, and it is now located just beneath the video description on the website. Recently, though, it was relocated into a collapsible pane beneath the description on the app.

Therefore, if you’ve been having trouble with the comments area not appearing, here are some potential fixes you can try.

Fixes for Both Creators & Viewers

  • Check Internet Connection

One of the simplest fixes for the majority of bugs and problems on any website app or app is to do this. To fix the YouTube comments not showing the issue, you can first verify your internet connection. Some website components don’t load when an internet connection is unstable or slow, which may also be the case here.

If you use an ethernet connection, try disconnecting and replugging the cable. You can also try rebooting your Wi-Fi router. Additionally, if you are using the YouTube app on your smartphone with mobile data, try switching to Wi-Fi to see if that helps.

  • Open Video in Incognito Mode

Occasionally, a certain account has a problem, and as a result, the comments for that account do not appear. In the event that there is a problem with your account, the comments may not appear if you are logged in to YouTube using your own laptop or phone. You can thus try viewing the YouTube comment in incognito mode if you are logged into a Google account, and it is not appearing.

When in use, Incognito Mode ignores all of your plugins, extensions, site data, cookies, and cache. If one of these causes the problem, you might be able to view the comments in incognito mode. Although this is not a durable solution, it is worth a shot in emergency situations.

To launch Chrome or Edge’s incognito mode, press Ctrl+Shift+N.

  • Login With Another Google Account

Instead of utilizing an incognito window, you can sign in to YouTube using a different Google account to see if the problem is true with your Google Account. Open the same video again after that to check if the comments have started to show. It is confirmed that your account is the problem if you read the comments. You can also see if the comments appear by attempting to connect to the same account on a different device.

  • Disabling Any Ad Blocking Software

Some individuals install ad blockers and other add-ons to automatically stop YouTube adverts when they become irritated with advertisements. By blocking adverts, these ad blockers enhance your viewing experience, but they can also be problematic. Therefore, you should disable or uninstall the ad blocker as well.

Reloading the page after disabling the ad blocker will allow you to read the comments. Additionally, you ought to go through all of your browser’s extensions for the offending add-on.

  • Check To See If There Are Any Conflicts With Any Browser Extensions

A lot of features and functionalities may be added to your browser with the correct extensions, which is why they are so amazing. The comments module on YouTube, however, can be incompatible with some add-ons. Check to determine whether YouTube comments function properly by disabling all of your extensions. Upon finding the conflicting extension, you can re-enable each one one at a time. The procedure is the same in Firefox and Microsoft Edge, but here is how to disable extensions in Chrome.

  • Clear Cookies and Cached Data

When we use an app or website frequently, website cookies and app cache data accumulate. The presentation of some components of a website could possibly have problems due to this cached data. To check whether it helps, you can also try deleting the cached data of the YouTube app and the cookies on the website. Anyhow, you should occasionally do this.

Chrome Browser Cache and Cookies Clean Method

Launch the Chrome

In the top right-hand corner, click the three-dot option next to your profile picture.

Select the setting options.

Navigate to the Privacy and Security section.

Look for Cookies and other Site Data.

Now, to view all cookies and data, scroll down and choose that option.

Search for YouTube using the search box after entering the cookies and site data area.

Delete any YouTube-related cookies and website data.

Restart Chrome and log back into YouTube.

[Note: Other browsers may require slightly different steps, but the general idea is the same. There will be comparable options for browsers like Edge and Firefox. If the choice cannot be found, try the clear browsing data option, which indicates what has to be cleared. The clear browsing option lets you choose between cookies and cached online material.]

Clearing Cache on Android Devices

Locate the settings on your Android.

Visit the Apps section.

Then, select the option to manage apps.

Find the YouTube app.

Now, select the clear all data option.

  • Check if YouTube Is Updated on Android and iOS

Always install app updates because they often contain fixes for YouTube issues that have arisen in the past. If the problem is a website or app bug, a fresh update might contain the answer.

Update YouTube on Android

Select Google Play

Go to the Google Play search bar and type in YouTube.

Your app has been updated if the option is open and visible on the side. Nevertheless, if the option asks you to update, please do so in order to acquire the most recent version.

Update YouTube on iOS

Open the app store.

In the bottom left corner, choose Today.

Click on the profile photo.

An update button is located on the side of the list of apps.

Click the Update button on YouTube or the update all button at the top of the list to update it.

Fixes for Creators Only

The improvements, which deal with channel settings, only apply to content producers.

  • Disable Video for Kids Setting

To safeguard children and families, YouTube has blocked comment areas on all channels that feature children. The comments might not be displayed because your channel’s profile settings have your videos labelled as “video for kids.” Here’s a fix for it:

Click on the profile photo.

Visit the YouTube Studio for your channel.

Locate Settings at the bottom of the left-side menu. A pop-up may appear.

Select “Channel” by selecting the second option from the left.

In the right-hand column, choose Advanced Settings. There will be three options.

Choose the second option to indicate that your channel’s material is not geared toward children if it is set up for children.

  • Check Your Comments Settings

If you have chosen to hold comments for review or have disabled comment permissions in your profile settings, your videos might not have any comments. Follow the below-mentioned steps to check the settings for the comments:

In the top right corner, click on your profile photo.

Select the YouTube studio for your channel.

At the left-hand bottom of the page, you may find settings.

Choose upload default from the list of available alternatives.

Select the advanced settings.

To access the comments, scroll down.

Select it now to enable comments.

  • Double-check on the Community Tab

Using the instructions from the last section, navigate to the settings menu.

From the right, select the Community section

Choose defaults after choosing a community.

Find the comments section.

Now, select the Allow Comments checkbox.

Wrapping Up!

Sometimes comments on YouTube can be broken, and that is really aggravating. Therefore, be careful to apply these fixes to resolve the “YouTube comments not showing” issue.

However, if none of the above-mentioned solutions work for you, try to consult an expert.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.


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