Satisfactory Cheats

Satisfactory is a first-person factory simulator and automation game that was created by Coffee Stain Studios in Unreal Engine 4. It was released on March 19, 2019. The game’s Early Access version was made available only on the Epic Games Store. Later, with cross-platform multiplayer, it was made available on Steam on June 8, 2020.

The initial objective is to construct the Space Elevator, and as you complete each task, the difficulties will grow increasingly complex. The game’s pioneer character is dumped on an alien planet with a few tools. He or she must use those tools to gather the planet’s natural resources to build ever-more-complicated factories that will automate all resource requirements. It becomes possible to automate more difficult tasks and more exports as the player acquire new equipment and sells more goods to the company(FICSIT Inc.).

The combat and exploration are secondary gameplay elements, but the player must overcome dangerous environments and hostile alien life forms to find valuable resources in the wild. To facilitate exploration, a constrained number of weapons and vehicles are available. On December 6, 2022, a new update was made available, adding blueprints to the game and enabling the creation of templates to facilitate the mass construction of production buildings.

However, thousands of players are searching for Satisfactory cheats and console commands because the game‘s difficulty makes it enigmatic to construct multi-story plants, enter conveyor belts, fight aliens and research new technologies. Speaking of this, the guide will include all the Satisfactory cheats and console commands found in the game, along with the actions needed to access them.

How to Enable the Satisfactory Cheats and Console?

Exploration and experimentation are fostered by the game Satisfactory. The game’s true beauty lies in it’s capacity to combine these straightforward, easy-to-understand elements into intricate operations that reward patience and perseverance above all else. The majority of us won’t ever have the perseverance or creative ability to push the game to it’s limits, but  it is still a fun and well-developed game for regular players.

Things can occasionally go wrong in Satisfactory but not in the ways the developers intended due to the complexity of the machines, crafting and automation. Although they are by no means common, bugs and glitches do exist. Fortunately, Satisfactory cheats and console commands are available to PC players, enabling them to navigate challenging and unforeseen circumstances.

In this game, exploitation can be done in two different ways. The first is a Trainer, which can be a third-party application. The second way is via the developer console, which lets you take advantage of the game’s features. Using developer consoles has the advantage of not worrying about looking for the right Trainer to download (sometimes third-party trainer contains malware). So you can keep your system’s security issues at bay.

To access the cheat console, press Ctrl+ Shift+L. Additionally, you can use the tilde key ( ~ ) to open the console command and type the word “cheats” into it. This is a locked console in Satisfactory, so you can’t make any significant changes to the game. Press the tilde key or Ctrl + Shift + L twice to open it.

The complete list of Satisfactory Cheats can be accessed more quickly by pressing just one key. Open the console and enter a question mark (?) to see the full list of available cheats displayed in various colors.

  • Green: Executable by anyone, with the option to modify.
  • Purple: Only Admins can activate it. However, some have been made public and might host a multiplayer game.
  • Grey: Read-only commands.

Remember that the game doesn’t save the console’s most recent state, so each time you launch it, you’ll need to enable the console before using it. Listed below are the Satisfactory cheats and console commands.

List of Satisfactory Cheats and Console Commands

In Satisfactory, the console can be used to access debug information or to change certain game settings that aren’t available elsewhere. However, once the game is closed, the effects of the commands are reset, but they last across sessions.

Console Commands:

Gamma [number] – Raises or lowers the gamma (brightness) level

Pause – Game paused; repeat the command to resume playing

Fog [0/1] – switches the fog on and off.

ViewDistanceScale – Adjusts the render distance for objects like rocks, trees, and foliage.

Atmosphere [0/1] – Energizes or de-energizes the atmosphere.

LODDistanceScale – Controls the display of higher-quality LOD models at a greater distance.

Shadow.DistanceScale – Determines the object’s shadows’ render distance.

ScreenPercentage [percent] – Internal resolution scale is set

TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number] – Sets the effect of the internal frame that is currently being used on the final image

TemporalAAFilterSize – Configures the TAA’s spread

TemporalAASamples [number] – Determines the number of samples to be used for TAA

Tonemapper.Sharpen [number] – Determines the strength of a basic sharpen filter

StaticMeshLODDistanceScale [number] – For static meshes, regulates the level of detail

LandscapeLODBias [number] – The far-off terrain geometry is fixed

densityscale [number] – Adjusts grass density

light.count [number] – Determines how many lights will be used to render

light.lightshaft.count [number] – Determines how many light shafts will be rendered

Stat FPS – Unreal Engine 4’s built-in FPS counter is activated; no case is taken into account when entering commands.

Stat Levels – Presents level streaming information

Stat Unit – Reveals the frame rate, game speed, draw speed, GPU speed, and RHIT speed

Suicide – Respawn

MaxFPS [number] – Determines the max frame rate.

FOV [number] – Determines field of view

ToggleDebugOverlay [0/1] – Displays debug info

SaveWithNewSessionName [name] – The current session is saved

Debug Commands:

Type ShowDebug DebugType[FName] and replace DebugType[FName] with the following codes:-

AI – provides information on any nearby enemies, automated vehicles, or both

AKAUDIOSOURCES – The number of active audio sources is displayed

ANIMATION – Reveals information about the current animation frame

BONES – Demonstrates information about bone connections and their direction

CAMERA – Gives additional details about the camera position

CIRCUITS – Displays data about any power networks

COLLISION- Displays collision data

FACTORY – Displays how many structures players have built

FORCEFEEDBACK – Displays data about the force feedback values at the moment

INPUT – Displays information about the currently-used input method

NET – Displays information about multiplayer connections

NONE – Only displays the default data while hiding the rest

PHYSICS – Displays data on the player’s current components of velocity, overall speed, the amount of acceleration they have experienced, and other related data

RADIATION – Information about the radioactivity subsystem is displayed

RADIATIONSPHERES – Depicts the spheres where the player would start to experience radiation

Reset – Removes all default information and debug information

SIGNIFICANCEMANAGER – Displays details about the significance of the sounds that are currently being played and how loud they are in relation to one another

TRACKS – Displays data in the form of graphs about the railroad subsystem on the tracks, including track segments and blocks

TRAINSCHEDULER – Displays information about train schedules

TRAINSIGNALS – Displays information about blocks and train signals

TRAINS – Displays information on the characteristics of all current trains

VEHICLE – Provides details about the car the player is currently riding in

WEAPON – Displays details about the tools or weapons that are currently in the player’s possession

Non-functional Commands:

Since the Early Access release, the following Satisfactory cheats that are recorded on the console’s autocomplete list have never been able to complete because they either have no effect or the console doesn’t even recognize them when they are used. These are:-

  • Teleport
  • Fly
  • GiveItem
  • Ghost
  • God
  • Cheats

Closing Thoughts

So these are the Satisfactory cheats and console commands to use to play the game adequately. However, be careful not to use them frequently, as it could cause your game to crash. Furthermore, avoid using third-party Trainers as they may contain harmful malware and it will cause you to fall victim to phishing.

However, this game is strongly spoken about because it has a stunning game world and treats it’s players generously rather than harshly. It presents challenging levels of risk in addition to being intellectually challenging. The game world is extremely well thought out and meticulously detailed. Consequently, the aforementioned Satisfactory cheats and commands will make the game easier for you to play. Just follow the guide and hopefully, reading the details will provide you with some useful knowledge and assistance.

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