Test Internet Speed In mac

Everyone enjoys a good WiFi connection for their Mac device. Nevertheless, the primary issue emerges when your Mac device displays full internet bars but takes an eternity to load a webpage. Our first instinct is to repair the Wi-Fi connection; however, the proper approach is to understand how to test internet speed on Mac.

Despite popular belief, checking the Wi-Fi speed on a Mac device is quick. However, if you find this claim difficult to believe, continue reading to learn how to quickly and easily check your Mac’s internet speed. So, without further ado, let’s get started and see how well your Wi-Fi connection works with your Mac device.

What Is A Good Internet Speed?

Before discussing any further, let’s take a look at appropriate speeds for your connection.

A good Internet speed per person is thought to be around 25 Mbps. For a larger family with Wi-Fi home security and appliances, as well as many occupants and who routinely stream in 4K and game, speeds ranging from 500 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps may be required.

How To Test Internet Speed On Mac

Let’s run a test to see how fast your Internet is.

At first, turn off all Internet access on your devices – pause uploads and downloads, ask other household members to do the same or do this while other devices are not in use.

Then, turn off your VPN if you’re using one, as it can slow down your Internet connection. Moreover, if you want to see whether your VPN is slowing you down, you can simply find that out by running an Internet speed test with the VPN turned on and then another with it turned off.

Now, go to speedtest.net and press Go

This Internet speed test will show you your latency time, upload, and download speeds from Mac to iPhone (but you will need to request the desktop version of the website to test upload speeds on iOS).


Your Internet speed can be affected by various things, ranging from your ISP to the location of your router and background software upgrades. Check your internet speed with convenient and quick online speed tests to ensure your Internet is as fast as the speed you pay your connection provider for.

To further explore your connection, use apps like Wi-Fi Explorer and NetSpot, as they can help you learn more about your connection.

Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our “How To” page on how to resolve some of these issues.


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