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Here in the HowTo category you”ll find solutions here for faulty electronic devices, Mostly smartphones and a variety of others.

activate Windows XP without a key

How to activate Windows XP without a key

There are times when you lose your product key for Windows XP. Yes, it is true that the product key is normally attached to your computer in a sort of sticker...
Optimize ASUS RT-AC68U router

How to Optimize ASUS RT-AC68U router

Want to bring out the maximum speed and optimize ASUS RT-AC68U router? Wanting to stream YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other platform without wanting it to buffer? Here I will...
who viewed your profile on Instagram

How to know who viewed your profile on Instagram

The thought of who might be stalking you would have crossed your mind many times. And because of this, you might be looking forward to know who is stalking you on...

Excel formulas for data analysis:Basic and Advanced

Let’s be honest, we all have struggled with Microsoft Excel at some point in our lives. To make the best use of Microsoft Excel we need to have a good understanding...
how to embed the YouTube video in Google Docs

How to embed the YouTube video in Google Docs

We all have struggled with adding videos to the Google docs at some point in our lives. Google Docs allows its users to add different content including texts, links, images, emojis,...
search using multiple search engines

How to search using multiple search engines

With search engines like Google, yahoo, and few more top rated search engines on the market, we still look forward to enhancing our productivity. Each day every search engine adds millions...
Facebook Messenger not working

How to Fix Facebook Messenger not working on iPhone

There are millions of people out there who use Facebook daily. Not to mention Facebook Messenger that people use for staying in touch with each other. But, there are times when...
free internet

How to get free internet using command prompt

How pleasant it is to be able to access the internet for free. It doesn’t just safe you the money you will have to use to subscribe to a data bundle from...
block ads on Funimation

How to block ads on Funimation : Funimation adblock

Funimation.com is a website owned by Funimation Productions Limited Liability Company (LLC) where users are allowed to either watch for free or subscribe to gain access to watch episodes of foreign...
Apple ID account recovery contact

How to set an Apple ID account recovery contact in iOS 15

Gone are the days when you have to jitter for unlocking your device when it gets locked due to the wrong password. The new account feature arrived with iOS 15 came...

